Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Rocky Bru did better on Awani than Blog

Did you see Rocky Bru on Astro's Awani Global? I think he did a much better job that when he appeared on RTM's Blog segment. I didn't catch it the first time but was reminded to see the re-run. It was worth it.

Ahirudin Attan was much more relaxed and his Bahasa had also improved, maybe because there was more time on air and host Amir was a lot more involved that RTM's hosts. Amir had obviously done some background work and appears a lot more curious and penetrating.

That helped Ahirudin to share more insights into his well-followed blog. The set was also a lot more spacious and better lighted. A live audience who also posed questions to the guest made the show more inclusive.

Rocky's friends said he was more of himself on the show compared to his appearance on Blog. And they attributed this to his Awani host and the length of time he was on air.

One thing I noticed during the show - the questions from the floor came only from females. I may be wrong 'cos I caught the last half hour of the show when only tudung-clad girls were asking question after question.

I'm not making an issue of it but I thought Astro could have included students from the other communities as well. This would have made the questions more interesting, I think. I suggest Astro look into this soon.

Anyway, it was a more informative show than Blog. Keep it up Suhaimi!


Rockybru said...

Thank you for the kind review.

You are right about the host. He was relaxed so - felt relaxed. The lights were a lot "hotter" - I was sweating after a while, and then the petite producer (not Suhaimi, mind you) came and passed me some tissue papers to dab the sweat on my forehead (I did it myself, she only passed me the tissue papers).

The duration was nice, but I think the auduence participation was the clincher as it added volume and variety to the show.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kudos.

It helps anyhost when the guest is learned, communicative and sincere with no agendas.

That's Rocky for you.

Keep on watching... :)